The Breath Letter

In this newsletter we explore breathing techniques, insights and content around breath and life, music to breathe to and any upcoming breathwork classes and experiences both in London, Lisbon and online.

Find the most suitable breathwork technique to develop and maintain your own breathing practice.
A collection of techniques combining modern science, ancient knowledge, and somatic practices.

Important! Before you engage in any of these techniques always make sure it’s safe for you to do so and contact a medical professional when in doubt.

If you’re enjoying the techniques maybe also check out the Breathe. Card Deck:
31 exercises to help you relax, super charge and improve your breath awareness.

Steven Ebbers Steven Ebbers

Explaining Breathwork V1.0

Everyone: So what do you do?
Me: I’m a breathwork facilitator.
Everyone: What’s breathwork?
Me: Well….let me explain.

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